The boy’s wrestling team was at Oak Harbor this past weekend for their sectionals tournament. 7 of the 13 wrestlers that wrestled for Woodmore at sectionals advanced to districts to continue their journey to state. Robert Seeger and Matt Caldwell got 5th place and are alternates for the district tournament. Daryl Orcelletto got 3rd place at 144 pounds, and Michael Seeger got 3rd place at 190 pounds. Gavin Herrig got 3rd at 157 pounds and Aiden Cordy also got 3rd place at 132 pounds. Landon Rich was the runner-up in the 165-pound weight class. The Wildcats had 2 champions at the Oak Harbor sectional tournament. Wyatt Thieroff was one of Woodmores champions in the 120-pound weight class. Woodmores second champion was Bailey Jendrzejak in the 215-pound weight class.
Wyatt was interviewed after his spectacular performance winning the sectionals tournament and setting him up for the district tournament. Wyatt won his final match against a top 20 wrestler in the state. He had a 4-0 decision win over Snyder in his finals match. The first question that Wyatt was asked was, How did it feel to win your sectionals tournament? He responded, “ I felt amazing, I’m very proud of myself but I know that I still have to make improvements to get better.” Next, he was asked, how did it feel to beat Snyder in the finals? “ I was not surprised that I won but I was very happy because he is a tough wrestler and it was a good win for me,” was his response. Also, Wyatt was asked, how do you think you will do at districts this weekend. He responded by saying, “I think I will do great, and I know that if I wrestle well then I will qualify for state.” Lastly, I asked Wyatt what his end goal was for the rest of the season, and his response was. “ My end goal is to qualify for state and to place at the state tournament.
Woodmore has their district tournament on Friday, Feburary 28.