A big debate within the education system is if teachers should be allowed to give out homework. The definition of homework is schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. A lot of students do not like the idea of homework but as a student I believe homework can be beneficial to us as students and help us become better students. I believe homework helps us create a moral obligation to work hard and help us get better grades. Teachers also use homework as grades. If you ban homework, it will make teachers and student’s lives harder by their only grades being tests or quizzes and some students can be very smart but be a bad test taker so they will get a bad grade in that class. According to a study done by GreatSchools.com, “the average high school student doing homework outperformed 69 percent of the students in a class with no homework.” That study shows having homework can be more beneficial to a student’s performance compared to student’s without homework.
Many students argue the fact that they have extra curricular activities and don’t have the time to do homework but I don’t agree with that because most teenagers are on their phones or playing video games rather than doing homework. A study done by cosmotogether.com said, “currently, more than half of US teens spend an average of 7 hours and 22 minutes of daily screen time. Considering the amount of sleep teenagers need, that’s almost HALF of their waking hours.” My point is teenagers have the time to do homework. The National Center for Education Statistics found that high school students get an average of 6.8 hours of homework per week, which is roughly an hour and 20 minutes a day. If teenagers spent less time on their phones or in front of a screen they would have time for homework and it wouldn’t be stressful. I believe that homework can help you in furthering your education because in college the work is going to be a lot harder and you will have homework, so it’s beneficial for students to have homework in high school so they can prepare for college. Even if you don’t choose to go to college, whatever career you choose there will be overtime work or work you will have to do outside of your normal job so homework helps prepare for that. Homework shouldn’t be banned because it’s beneficial for your future and if you have homework it will help you succeed in your future.