The Woodmore Wrestling team has not won a league championship since 1993. For the first time in over 30 years, the Wildcats have won a league title. The Woodmore Wildcat Wrestling team competed at Norwalk High School for the Sandusky Bay Conference tournament. The Wildcats were Sandusky Bay Conference River division champions. The Wildcats placed fifth overall against all divisions with 132.5 team points. Landon Rich and Michael Seeger both placed second. Wyatt Thieroff and Gavin Herrig both placed third. Bailey Jendrzejak placed fourth. Aiden Cordy and Bob Seeger both placed sixth. Gage Sliwinski, Matt Caldwell, and DJ Orcelletto placed seventh. We interviewed 190-pounder Michael Seeger and asked him some questions. We asked him how he feels about winning a league title as a team. He responded with “It feels good to win a team title. We’ve worked for it all year and accomplishing our goal feels great”. We then asked him how he felt he performed at the SBC tournament. He responded with “ I feel I performed well but I came up short of my goal and got second place. But overall I feel I performed well”. The final question was what are your end of season goals for these next couple weeks. He then responded with “My next goal is to make it to the state tournament. I feel I’ve worked hard for it and now I just have to go out there and wrestle hard and I’ll be able to make it to the state tournament.
League Champions
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