This year’s December student of the month is junior Blane Overmyer. Overmyer is involved in Key Club, NHS, FCA, and he plays baseball. Outside of school, Overmyer’s hobbies include fishing, riding four-wheelers, and just doing anything outdoors. When asked about a favorite memory from Woodmore, Overmyer said “I always make memories so anytime I’m having fun with my friends.” With the pressure of school and extracurricular activities, it can be hard to keep up with it all. “School comes first so I focus on completing my work on time. After that, I can focus on sports. I never really feel stressed because I know I can only control what I can control. I focus on the positives in life which helps lower stress.” Overymyer’s biggest inspiration has been his parents because “they work hard and don’t give up when times are tough.” After high school, Overymer would like to play baseball and most likely complete a field in architecture.
Congratulations Blane Overmyer on December student of the month!