The 2024 baseball post season has started and it is one of the craziest postseasons there has ever been. The teams in the playoffs all have some of the most skilled players in the league and all the teams have a chance to make it to the world series. This will prove to be one of the most entertaining postseasons in baseball’s history. This will spark new rivalries and force teams to play their best to make it all the way to the world series. The Mets and the Tigers both were predicted to have no chance of making it to the playoffs and both teams got hot late July and early August and barely clutched up a win to make the playoffs. The powerhouses of the league like the Yankees and Dodgers have the highest percent chance of making it to the world series but even the teams like the Royals that have a 2% chance of making it to the world series have a chance to beat the powerhouses of the playoffs.
All 12 teams in the playoffs are some of the most talented teams there has ever been in baseball. The games that have been already played where there was some up roar. The Royals had a little to no chance to eliminate the Orioles. However, the Royals swept the Orioles in the wild card selection. With their first game being 1-0 and their second game 2-1. The Orioles went to thinking they have a free pass to move on to the Division Series to their season being over. Another team that predicted to lose was the Tigers and they ended up sweeping the Astros with a 3-1 win and a 5-2 win, clutching their spot in the Division series.
The close game that could go either way is the Mets and the Brewers. Right now, they are tied with one win for both teams. The first game went the Mets way with a result of 8-4. The second game went the Brewers way with them winning 5-3. The third game could go either way and both teams will have to play their best to make it to the divisional series. The Padres and the Braves was one to the more boring series of games but it was still fun baseball. The Padres swept the Braves with their fist game being a 4-0 win and their second game being more competitive with a 5-4 win. This is only the start of the playoffs and we still have a month full of exciting games and all the effort put into the sport by players to help their teams to make it to the world series.