The heart of Woodmore High School lies in the extracurricular activities many students take part in. Each group contributes to make our community whole and district unique. Here, we aim to celebrate each victory of the diverse talents and contributions of our peers. Through many interviews, I invite you to learn more about going the extra mile and being involved throughout the school year.
As the secretary of the Class of 2025, I take great pride in being able to be a part of the student council at Woodmore. Each year we plan multifarious activities like Winter Royalty, Homecoming, the annual bonfire, and many more. Each year students at Woodmore High School elect their peers to positions in order to lead them to success. When I interviewed junior Emily Lang, she shared that the student council is important because, “we are the voice of the school…” Student Council is a great way to show school spirit while being alongside some of your best friends.
National Honors Society does a substantial amount of community service around the town and is a great honor for students to be a part of. President of NHS, Savannah Plantz said, “Some people think that NHS is just another club that offers community service, but National Honor Society means more to me than just that. It is an opportunity to make an impact in other people’s lives. Knowing that people will reach out to our chapter when in need of volunteers shows that our group of students are reliable and trustworthy. Being president this year has opened up a door for me to take the club in a more positive direction by trying to reach out and help as many organizations as possible”. The four pillars that uphold the NHS are scholarship, service, leadership, and character. National Honors Society is an amazing opportunity for anyone to make a difference no matter how small or large it may be.
Each Friday morning at seven o’clock, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes group meets while sharing their love for sports with a commitment to faith. The upperclassmen have played a huge role in FCA with more than half of the members being seniors. Senior Kora Perkins said, “people should join FCA because we learn more about God and how he works in our daily lives. We also relate how he plays a role in our sports games and practices. It’s a great way to become closer to God and meet a lot of new people who all have the same values and beliefs. It is also super fun and the advisors are amazing.” FCA is a safe space, for any and all students to be who they are and feel included. After graduation Kora hopes, “… that it remains big or gets bigger so that more people learn about how great God is”.
“The objective of Spanish Club is to introduce and interact with the rich cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. We look to see how those cultures are also a part of life in our local area”, said the Spanish Club advisor Mr. Rellstab. The club also celebrates each Cinco de Mayo with a colorful pinata, and each new year with the tradition of eating twelve grapes. He also shared that, “You should get involved with Spanish Club because understanding and interacting with other cultures strengthens your own culture! You appreciate what makes us different and can empathize with other people. Also, who doesn’t love spicy candy?”
Our community deserves to know what is happening throughout the school year. With students participating in journalism, we are able to keep everyone updated each week. All fourteen members work diligently each week to get their best work out in a timely manner. Editor in chief Isabelle Bush, said she enjoys journalism because, “ it gives me an opportunity to speak my mind and a chance for my voice to be heard”. Journalism gives students at Woodmore the opportunity to have their voice heard, while producing quality papers every week.
With a new enthusiastic teacher, FFA begins the year with a fresh start. Ryan Avers became the new Agricultural teacher this year and is very excited about this opportunity. Avers says, “Living on a farm my entire life and of course owning and operating Avers Acres Strawberries for 10 years, I can say I enjoy the Ag Industry. I took this job because it is very important to teach the young generations about the Ag Industry and what it all involves. They are the future in Agriculture and my goal is to educate them about the industry”. FFA is becoming bigger each year with well over 700,000 members involved from all fifty states. An active FFA member at Woodmore, Macie Grove also wanted to share that FFA is perfect for anyone because of, “the great advisor, fun field trips, and lots of opportunities for our future and to make new friends”. Avers was a successful FFA student himself when in high school, he wants to better the program by including,” … to incorporate more hands-on activities, because being in this industry we are always moving, multitasking, and getting our hands dirty. I want to take more field trips to see different corporations in the industry. We live in a rural area with excellent Ag Business! Being in Vo-AG/FFA not only will we cover the Ag Industry, I want to teach them leadership, involvement, and great communication skills to get them ready for their future jobs. I want to try and provide the students the best connections, so they will be ready for what the future can hold for them”.
Future Teachers of America is a club that helps each teacher at the school feel less stressed and gives a helping hand. Students are assigned a teacher at the beginning of the year and usually during a study hall can run errands for them like printing papers, cutting out items, decorating the room and much more. Senior Emmaleigh Lawrence enjoys being in FTA because, “I get to spend time with my favorite teachers and help them out once in a while. People don’t really realize how much they put into their lessons and grading, which is why I enjoy helping them”. This group is a great opportunity for anyone interested in going into education after high school or anyone who simply loves helping others!
National Art Honors Society is, “an art program that focuses on community beautification projects. We organize fundraisers and create t-shirt designs, among other activities, to further our goal as well. Whether it’s painting, writing, etc, we try to make others see the art that surrounds us every day,” said NAHS member, Lily Trevino. This club is a great opportunity to guide others to see our world with a different perspective. To show others the beauty in places we would never look in the first place. It’s a great opportunity to show your leadership and show others the good all over the community.
Serving our community is important to many students and joining Key Club can give you many opportunities to do this. This student led organization gives teenagers leadership skills and many chances to make the world a better place. Not only does this club help locally but gives opportunities for students to help people all over the world. Trick or treating for UNICEF happens each year on Halloween, members go around the community and collect money for winter clothes and food for children across the world. Chase Potridge shared with me that Key Club, “has impacted me because it has made me closer to my community and proud to know that I’m making an impact on the community”. This organization has changed many lives and will continue to for as long as it runs at this school.
Overall, being involved at Woodmore High School is very important and encouraged. We have four years of high school to do all that we can, and hopefully after four years our students feel encouraged enough to continue doing service work and lead others to do the same. Get involved, let your voice be heard, and make a change!