Homecoming is an exhilarating week for us Woodmore students. We are all very excited about the fun events this week. We will have the bonfire, dodgeball game, pep rally, and spirit week all for homecoming.
Last week we found out about our homecoming court.
Freshmen: Jayden Kroetz and Sophia Bell for the
Sophomores: Keil Almroth and Olivia Scavio for the
Juniors: Adyn Smith and Emma Watson,
Seniors: Parker Hahn, Ava Cook, Izaiah Wilson, Hali Ballard Brady Buhrow, and Anna Kigar.
On Monday wear flannels, jerseys, or sweaters. On Tuesday, there is no school, so enjoy the day off! Wednesday is “Spring had sprung”, wear spring colors or rain gear. Thursday is “Summer fun”, wear Hawaiian, tourist, or beach gear. Friday is “Homecoming Eve”, wear homecoming shirts and PJ pants. Try your best to participate in the spirit days. The bonfire is this Wednesday and it starts at 7 pm. There will be contests including tug of war, cornhole, and hot dog eating. You can sign up for any of these in your email. Make sure to come out and support! The dodgeball game is on Wednesday during school. Each grade will have a team of girls competing. The pep rally is on Friday, make sure to bring your school spirit. Our traditional Homecoming dance is on Saturday. You can buy tickets during your lunch period for $15 each or at the door for $20 each. We all hope next week is a lot of fun and everyone can have a fantastic time!